Dreyfus / ACS Symposium: Making Molecules & Materials

The Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation sponsored a Presidential Symposium on Making Molecules and Materials (the topic of the 2015 Dreyfus Prize) at the Spring national meeting of the American Chemical Society in San Diego on March 15, 2016. The full program is below.

Introduction: Donna Nelson, ACS President

Chair: Session I – Marye Anne Fox, University of California, San Diego

Frances Arnold, California Institute of Technology: Innovating with Evolution: Expanding the Enzyme Universe to Make Molecules and Materials
Joseph DeSimone, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Instead of 2D-printing Over and Over Again: Continuous Liquid Interface Production of 3D Objects

Chair: Session II – Louis Brus, Columbia University

Chad Mirkin, Northwestern University: Making Materials with Programmable Nucleic Acid Bonds
Moungi Bawendi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Fundamental Science and Applications of Nanocrystals

Chair: Session III – Richard Zare, Stanford University

Melanie Sanford, University of Michigan: Development of New C-H Bond Functionalization Reactions
David Tirrell, California Institute of Technology: Non-Canonical Amino Acids as Tools for Protein Medicinal Chemistry

Chair: Session IV – Matthew Tirrell, The University of Chicago

Craig Hawker, University of California, Santa Barbara: Combining Facile Synthetic Strategies and Simple Purification Techniques for the Preparation of Unique Materials
Krzysztof Matyjaszewski, Carnegie Mellon University: From Molecules to Materials: Macromolecular Engineering by Taming Free Radicals